The African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) through its strategy on digitalizing Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services (D4AEAS) employs various channels to reach the small holder farmer with appropriate agricultural information. In this view, the Uganda Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (UFAAS) organized a training on Videos for Farmers from 11th-13th October, 2022 in Nakaseke District, Central Uganda. The training targets members of UFAAS who interface with farming communities and are a direct link to convey agricultural information. Twelve individuals (seven women, 5 men) from ten member organizations were selected to participate in the training. The organizations are: Farm Radio International, Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF), Volunteer Efforts from Development Concerns (VEDCO), Sasakawa Africa Association, Zirobwe Agaliawamu Agribusiness Training Association (ZAABTA), Heifer International, Buikwe District Local Government, Learn Enterprises, Uganda National Farmers Federation (UNFFE), Vibrant Generation Uganda among others.
The training was facilitated by Mr Andrianjafy Raso, Lead of the Communication, Information and Knowledge Management unit at AFAAS. According to Mr Raso, video for farmers is one tool that helps to reach the last mile given the high ratio of extension workers to farmers, is handy even in difficult times such as the Covid19 pandemic.
“Videos for farmers can be a game changer in the agricultural sector. If captured and used appropriately, videos are innovative tools that can supplement the extension worker to reach more smallholder farmers cost-effectively” said Mr Raso.
The training content will revolve around identification of topics, shooting and capturing videos, packaging and editing the videos as well as evaluation of the videos.

Above: Mr Andrianjafy Raso outlining the content of the training
A highly valued training:
Early conversations with training participants discover enthusiasm and zeal. Trainees look forward to attaining knowledge and skills on producing videos for farmers, and are optimistic that their work will be easier when they integrate videos to reach more farmers, which can lead to better farming practices, improved productivity and subsequently improved livelihoods.
“From the introductory part covered so far, I feel excited by this training because it will push us miles ahead. To capture meaningful videos which communicate to farmers, and can be used by extension workers. I will definitely use this knowledge and skill in my rabbitry venture. I have already started visualizing how we can make these videos for farmers and extension workers and I believe we shall reach more ” said Mrs Beatrice Luzobe, a rabbitry farmer and UFAAS CEO.
Ms Brenda Mugwisagye, a radio craft officer at Farm Radio International Uganda looks forward to packaging messages better to reach farmers through video, while Mr Patrick Nsangi a Project manager at VEDCO sees the Videos for Farmers training as an opportunity to scale the extension efforts of the organization.
The training is supported with funding from the European Commission, and International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) through the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme Pillar IV ( CAADPXP4) Project.

Above: Mr Kenneth Orach, IT officer at AFAAS guides a participant to troubleshoot gadgets during the video for farmers training
About UFAAS:
Uganda Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (UFAAS) is a country chapter of the African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) in Uganda. It is a forum that brings together a wide range of actors involved in Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services (AEAS) in Uganda. UFAAS was launched in May 2011 and is registered in Uganda. AFAAS is the umbrella network organization for AEAS in Africa. It operates within the framework of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), with a focus to Pillar IV.