On 14-15th April 2023, the Uganda Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (UFAAS) organized a review workshop for the project Digital Connectors as accelerators of sustainable agriculture extension services in farming communities in Eastern and Central Uganda. Implemented in Bugiri and Luweero Districts, the project is funded by the African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS).
According to Mrs Beatrice Luzobe, the UFAAS Chief Executive Officer, the purpose of the workshop was to bring together the project stakeholders, take stock of project progress, and strategize for the remaining project period in line with the objectives.

Mrs Beatrice Luzobe, UFAAS CEO
The workshop was attended by the nine digital connectors from Eastern and Central Uganda, managers of the ZAABTA and BAIDA Innovation Platforms, District Agricultural officers, Town Clerk, Bukoola Chemical Industries, AFAAS and UFAAS secretariat staff. The 2-day event started in Luwero District at the Zirobwe Agaliawamu Agribusiness and Training Association (ZAABTA) -an Innovation Platform, and included a field visit. The purpose of the field visit was to enable exchange with local stakeholders for cross-learning around digital avenues for farm-market linkages. Day two was held at Eureka hotel in Kampala. During Day 2, the digital connectors pitched their business ideas for offering sustainable agricultural extension and advisory services (AEAS) through digital channels and received feedback from the stakeholders. The names of the digital connectors and business ideas are below:
- Mr Kenneth Mwanja (M); Quick quality inputs, finance and weather information
- Ms Nadia Namwase Babirye (F); Agricultural insurance
- Mr Nicholas Wabuyiwa (M); Genuine inputs, soil testing and extension services
- Mr Salim Kasamba (M); Digital packaging solutions for agricultural produce
- Ms Zalo Mutesi (F); Quality input provision
- Mr Andrew Munyole (M); Advisory information and market place for rabbit farmers
- Ms Anna Ajwang (F); Quality bio-inputs provision
- Mr Anthony Kisaakye (M); Irrigation management
- Mr Anthony Ssenyonga (M); Quality and timely inputs with extension services
Mr Kasamba Salim a digital Connector expressed gratitude for the opportunity rendered to him as a Digital Connector. From Bugiri in Eastern Uganda, Salim thanked the African Forum for agricultural Advisory services and the Uganda Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services for creating a platform that made him and his business visible. “Engaging in this project has been the best. The visibility is awesome. I didn’t think I was this needed. I am now there and I am certain that I will reach far because of UFAAS and AFAAS. There are no borders now” he said.
According to Ms Rosemirta Birungi of AgConnectors, the workshop was timely, and an opportunity for the Digital connectors to connect with potential partners such as innovation platforms and the business community. She applauded the DCs for the effort and reminisced that they had exhibited learning on several modules along the business development pathway.
” This review was timely. The Digital Connectors have presented their business models and received feedback. It was such a great opportunity for them to interact with the Innovation Platforms as well as the service providers in the private sector. They are now clear on what the Innovation Platforms want and they have to tweak their ideas to suit the market” she remarked.

Ms Rosemirta Birungi, AgConnectors
Representing the African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS), Mr Bashir Benbela too

Mr Bashir Benbela, AFAAS
applauded the digital connectors for their promising business ideas. He assured them of support from the Secretariat to enable them to bridge the gaps in extension services using digital tools. Mr Benbela encouraged them to do extensive research on their business ideas and benchmark relevant programs for learning which will enable them to provide better services. In his remarks, he thanked the Uganda Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services for excellent representation of AFAAS in most country activities.
Closing the Workshop, Dr Richard Miiro, the Vice Chairperson of the UFAAS Board spoke extensively about the importance of innovation, the role of the digital technologies in the innovation system and the value of partnerships. He emphasised the need for innovative approaches to reach the last mile.and encouraged the digital connectors to reach out to other actors along the various nodes of the value chain as well, if they are to have more impact. Dr Miiro concluded with an invitation to the national agricultural extension week due to take place on May 23-26th 2023 at Kabira Country Club in Kampala and Virtually.

Dr Miiro, (L) hands a digital tablet to MS Mutesi Zalo, a Digital Connector from Bugiri. All the nine Digital Connectors received tablets to enable them engage with farmers and other actors.
About the Digital Connectors Project
The Digital Connectors as accelerators of sustainable agriculture extension services in farming communities in Eastern and and Central Uganda project is a subsidiary of the AFAAS implemented Digital Connectors as accelerators of sustainable agriculture extension services in farming communities in Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda, which is one of the 11 Third-Party projects under the “Strengthening Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Ecosystem for Inclusive Rural Transformation and Livelihoods in Eastern Africa” (AIRTEA).
The AIRTEA project is a four-year AIRTEA project (2021-2025) that aims to contribute to achieving sustainable agrarian livelihoods and rural transformation by fostering an inclusive innovation environment in Kenya, Uganda, and Rwanda.
The project is coordinated by Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA), in partnership with Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA)- Uganda and East Africa Farmers Federation (EAFF)- Kenya
AIRTEA is financed under the ACP Innovation Fund, a pillar of the OACPS Research and Innovation Programme, implemented by the OACPS Secretariat and funded by the European Union
Article compiled by Elizabeth Asiimwe, Uganda Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (UFAAS) CIKM