The Uganda Forum for Agricultural Advisory services (UFAAS) received a sub-grant from the African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) to implement a project dubbed Digital Connectors as accelerators of sustainable agriculture extension services in farming communities. The project implemented by AFAAS Country Chapters in Rwanda and Kenya targets women and youth with knowledge and tools to establish agricultural related businesses that will provide services to the farming communities through the use of available digital tools to enhance: easier access to knowledge, agricultural inputs, markets, finance, among others. This capacity strengthening project equips the targeted individuals with the potential to manage or run businesses in agricultural sector. The two and a half years project (2022-2024) is implemented in Bugiri District, Eastern Uganda.
The project is funded by the European Union through a consortium of institutions namely: The Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA), The Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA) and the East African Farmers Federation (EAFF) under the project Strengthening Agricultural Knowledge & Innovation Ecosystem for Inclusive Rural Transformation & Livelihoods in Eastern Africa (AIRTEA).
Other partners include; Ag Connectors, Local Government District Production Office; Private-sector/ and Non Governmental organisation; and Farmers Organisations.