The Uganda Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (UFAAS), in partnership with the African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) and AgConnectors, implemented the Strengthening Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Ecosystem for Inclusive Rural Transformation and Livelihoods in Eastern Africa (AIRTEA), Component 9 (AIRTEA_TP 009), a transformative initiative on the Digital Connectors for Farming Communities project (DC4FC) in Uganda. The project was funded by the European Union through the Organization of African Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) Research & Innovation Programme, coordinated by the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) and implemented by the Association of Strengthening Agricultural Research in East and Central Africa (ASARECA) and the East African Farmers Federation (EAFF).

The primary objective of the Digital Connectors for Farming Communities (DC4FC) project was to elevate agricultural productivity and enhance the well-being of farming communities by promoting the socio-economic inclusion of rural women and youth through their active participation in agricultural extension and advisory services (AEAS). The 2.5-year DF4FC project was focused on creating employment opportunities for rural women and youth as digital connectors (DCs), digital delivery of AEAS services to farming communities, and evidence-based information for policymakers. This project involved the identification and support of nine (9) young agri-preneurs who were equipped to offer agricultural extension and advisory services (AEAS) as a sustainable business venture.

Anthony Ssenyonga in his agricultural inputs shop


These youths were provided with comprehensive training, coaching, mentorship programs, and digital tools by the project to enable them to establish viable agricultural advisory service enterprises aimed at benefiting selected farming communities within the project areas.

This feature presents different knowledge products (videos, a case story book, and the 2025 Year Planner) with highlights on the impact of the DC4FC project, linking digital connectors, farmers, policymakers, and agribusinesses in innovation platforms to co-create and adopt sustainable solutions. Creating employment and bridging the gap between extension workers and farmers.

The Digital Connectors reported having enormously gained from the project, citing receipt of digital tools (tablets), attainment of business and marketing knowledge, which enhanced their confidence, and unlimited access to coaches. They earned income through commissions and the sale of products and services and built strong partnerships with suppliers and buyers.

They [ Digital Connectors] appreciate the project-the business training they received on how to build viable businesses, which has earned them decent employment, led to farmers’ improved access to agricultural information and inputs, increased yields, and subsequently their (farmers’) incomes. They acknowledge support from the innovation platform as a springboard to propel community engagement.

Through this DC4FC project, Digital Connectors linked over 3,440 value chain actors (mainly farmers) receiving agricultural extension and advisory services. Regarding sustainability, the DCs are committed to continuing with their businesses. They are optimistic that the activities will continue because they [DCs] have built a mutual relationship with farming communities, which both parties earn and benefit from.

Innovation platform managers and the leadership in the districts also applauded the DC4FC project, citing value addition to extension service provision in the districts and a positive influence on other extension staff to embrace digital extension, thus narrowing the gap between extension workers and farmers.

Most Digital Connectors have trained other digital connectors and have plans to scale out, link to bigger applications, and build alliances with other stakeholders for stronger impact in farming communities.

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Compiled by Elizabeth Asiimwe

For details, please contact:

Ms Beatrice Luzobe, UFAAS CEO; Email: