AAIN mentorship programme for Africa

AAIN mentorship programme for Africa

Africa Agribusiness Incubators Network (AAIN) is a private sector institution and with very high whose mandate is to strengthen agribusiness incubation in Africa. As part of her implementation strategy, AAIN is working with mentors who have experience in varied...

Walking the Talk On Commercialising Agriculture

Walking the Talk On Commercialising Agriculture

Greenhouse farming is definitely not a new concept but the cost element involved is the debatable issue. In Uganda today, companies retailing greenhouse kits do so at a range of Shs12 m to Shs15m for a kit of eight metres by 15 metres. If you are lucky enough to get...

The New Zealand Aid Programme scholarships

The New Zealand Aid Programme scholarships

The New Zealand Aid Programme offers scholarships to people from eligible African countries who are motivated to make a difference at home. In 2016 New Zealand Development Scholarships applications can be made online from 1st February 2016. Applications close...

World Bank to Host Agriculture Hackathon in Uganda

World Bank to Host Agriculture Hackathon in Uganda

The World Bank has organised a hackathon next month aimed at encouraging youth engagement in Agriculture through technology.The Hackathon, to be held on February 23-27, 2016, is a collaboration between the World Bank's Agriculture Global Practice (GFADR), the...

2nd AFAAS- Africa Wide Agricultural Extension Week 2015

2nd AFAAS- Africa Wide Agricultural Extension Week 2015

Concept Note Announcement  The African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) held its first Africa Wide Agricultural Extension Week in Gaborone Botswana, in August 2013, which brought together over 300 delegates from more than forty countries within and...

CMiA helps Ugandan farmers with sustainable cotton farming

CMiA helps Ugandan farmers with sustainable cotton farming

Aid by Trade Foundation (AbTF) and its Cotton Made in Africa (CMiA) initiative, are supporting Ugandan farmers through sustainable cotton farming. With successful verification of the Western Uganda Cotton Company (WUCC) and the cooperating cotton farmers, around 5,400...

Farmers to benefit from processed bean innovation

Farmers to benefit from processed bean innovation

Most farmers engaged in growing the bean legume crop have been doing it on small scale mainly for food consumption sold in markets within the country. Beans are rich in protein, the reason why in Uganda, it is mainly consumed in schools. However, many families...

Banana growing gave me a new lease of life

Banana growing gave me a new lease of life

As a retailer, Joseph Kizito Luwalira quickly realised that he was not going to make ends meet. He told Fred Muzaale how supplementing his income by growing banana changed his livelihood. My name is Joseph Kizito Luwalira. I am a resident of Nakaliro village in...


UFAAS brings together a broad range of actors in AEAS from all sectors which include the Public sector, Academia, Private sector, Civil Society, Farmer Organizations, Donor Community and Media.


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P. O. Box 34624, Kampala

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