Highlights from the Uganda National Agricultural Extension Week (UGNAEW) 2024
- The event took place on October 29- November 1, 2024, at Silver Springs Hotel Bugolobi, Kampala; under the theme: Making Agricultural Extension Count for Robust, Resilient, and Competitive Agri-Food Systems.
- It was organised by the Uganda Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (UFAAS) in collaboration with the African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS), the Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF), and other partners.
- The event was attended by over 240 participants from six countries – Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Madagascar, Burundi, Germany
Day 1: Official opening of the Agricultural Extension Week 2024, and thematic plenary presentations
- Keynote address by Dr Lilian Lihasi, Director of Programs at AFAAS, on how to make agricultural extension count for robust, resilient, and competitive agri-food systems. Please read the brief, watch the video, and see the slides in the shared folder.
- Welcome remarks by UFAAS Vice Chairperson, Dr Richard Miiro (Video)
- Minister’s speech, Hon. Bright Kanyontore Rwamirama (video)
- Launch of UFAAS Strategic Plan 2024-2028 (Video -Start at 2:35)
- Launch of AFAAS-AGRA Scaling of Agricultural Innovations project (Video -Start at 2:38)
- Presentation: Overview of Agricultural Extension services in Uganda by the Commissioner of Extension at MAAIF (Video -Start at 3:43-3:58 min)
- Presentation: The role of Agricultural Extension in Food safety by Prof. Archileo Kaaya, Makerere University (Video: 1-10 minutes)
- Presentation: Women and youth in agriculture with in the emerging technological advancement (Video:Start at 14:56)
- Resilience along agricultural value chains (Video:Start at 34:40)
- Presentation: Private agricultural extension service provision by Dr Isiko, Consultant at AFAAS (Video: Start at 50:34)
- Using Artificial intelligence in Agriculture: a case of the Virtual Agronomist, by Monalisa Mutesi, ISDA (Video: Start at 1:10:08).
- UBC TV News feature: Extending services to the Rural Communities (Video)
- Newspaper article feature: Inadequate extension blamed for low crop varieties uptake. The New Vision (Newspaper article)
- Day 1 (Opening) photos: Day 1

Participants of the Uganda National Agricultural Extension Week 2024
Day 2: This day started with a plenary, and later thematic parallel sessions and side events.
- Presentation: Valuable, Effective Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services for a dynamic market-oriented agricultural sector, by Dr Richard Miiro, Makerere University (Video)
- Presentation: Preparing young people to make money in the agrifood system, by Prof. Duncan Ongeng, Gulu University/RUFORUM (Video)
- Presentation: How Africa can leverage business models and ICTs to transform agriculture, by Dr Silim Nahdy, AFAAS ED (Video).
- Presentation: AEAS Value Chain Analysis for digital integration: The Case of Uganda, by Dr Isiko (Video). Slides in the Day 2 folder
- Day 2 photos
During a side event by PELUM Uganda (above), the PESA model was launched

In a side event convened by Kilimo Trust, the focus was on bridging the extension worker – farmer ratio using inclusive digital extension approaches.
Day 3: Field day to 5 sites (UWEPO in Buikwe, Gudie Leisure farm, KCCA farm Kyanja, NARO Kawanda, and GrainPulse in Mukono).
- Photos (Field)

Participants explore agroecological methods of creating livestock feed using the Black Soldier Fly (BSF) at UWEPO in Buikwe
Day 4: (Livestream link)
- The summary presentation (Communique) by Dr Irene Tamubula Bulenzibuto, Lead Rapporteur and Lecturer at Kyambogo University
- Closing remarks by the Minster of State for Agriculture, Hon. Fred Bwino Kyakulaga, delivered by Dr Patience Rwamigisa, Assistant Commissioner for Agricultural Extension Coordination, MAAIF (Video: Start at 3:40:38)
- Day 4 photos (Closing).
Event organising committee
Thanks to all partners for making this Uganda National Agricultural Extension Week 2024 event a success.
Uganda Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (UFAAS) is the country chapter of the African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) in Uganda. It is a forum that brings together a wide range of actors involved in Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services (AEAS) in Uganda. UFAAS was launched in May 2011 and is registered in Uganda. AFAAS is the umbrella network organisation for AEAS in Africa. It operates within the framework of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), with a focus to Pillar IV.
For correspondence, please contact:
Ms Beatrice Luzobe
Chief Executive Officer, UFAAS
Email: ufaas2013@gmail.com
Compiled by Elizabeth Asiimwe