Dr. Richard Miiro

Vice Chairperson

Dr. Richard Miiro is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Extension and Innovations Studies, School of Agricultural Sciences, at Makerere University. He’s passionate about gender, youth and nutrition responsive and transformative innovations in the agri-food system. He has expertise in developing innovative agricultural technology dissemination strategies, and was among the first to disseminate Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato through schools to farmer communities in Uganda, including the physically handicapped.

He was a lead consultant on Gender and Nutrition in Uganda for the Fast Tracking of access to popular and improved root crops funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in Uganda and Tanzania. Great at research on training transfer and return on training investment. Led an e-study on AEAS service provision in the COVID 19 lock down in Uganda and also led the USAID’s Developing Local Extension Capacity project study in Uganda on Engaging Youth in Private Sector Extension as providers and as recipients. Consulted for AFAAS on the Strengthening Capacities for Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture and Food Systems.

He engages in research and development in the integration of ICT in agricultural extension specifically the use of mobile MOOC courses for farmers and extension professionals. He has been the country leader of the Bio-innovate Africa funded project on promoting the use of Orange Fleshed Vitamin A rich sweet potato puree as a bakery and fried food ingredient, an attraction for engaging youth and women in food business. A trainer and mentor with the African Women in Agricultural Research and Development, and with the Gender Responsive Researchers Equipped for Agricultural Transformation Project a joint partnership between Makerere University and Cornel University.

Dr. Miiro has been a member of UFAAS since 2011.

UFAAS brings together a broad range of actors in AEAS from all sectors which include the Public sector, Academia, Private sector, Civil Society, Farmer Organizations, Donor Community and Media.


+256 776 801091

+256 772 483803


Kigobe Road Ntinda (near 'The Craddle')
P. O. Box 34624, Kampala

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