Registration for the Uganda National Agricultural Extension Week 2024 is now open!
Since 2013, the Uganda Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (UFAAS), in partnership with the African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS); the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF); and other partners, have been organizing annual National Agricultural Extension events. These events have consistently facilitated deliberation of strategic issues in agricultural extension and advisory services (AEAS) in Uganda. These have also been a unique avenue for sharing experiences and learning amongst professionals from different backgrounds, strengthening interactions with policy-makers and investors, and developing fruitful partnerships.
The National Extension Week 2023 (UGNAEW2023) was held from 23rd to 26th May 2023, with a theme of “Unveiling innovative pluralistic AEAS approaches: Actors’ resilience and competitiveness for food security and commercialized agriculture”. The both physical and virtual event was attended by 342 participants (106W, 236M) of which, 202 (77 Females, 125 Males) attended physically. The event hosted synergetic presentations, discussions, and partners’ side events, among others. The UGNAEW2023 was preceded by 4 pre-workshops that were held from 10th April-18th May 2023, in the Central, Northern, West Nile, and Southern regional hubs.
The Uganda National Extension Week 2024 (UGNAEW2024) will be held from 29th October to November 1st, 2024 in Kampala Uganda under the theme “Making Extension Count for Robust, Resilient and Competitive Agri-Food Systems”. This event will be preceded by regional pre-workshops organised by AEAS partners and actors within the various areas. For details about the Uganda National Extension Week 2024, see the event Concept Note, and the Call for Papers/ Case Stories.
Registration: To register for the event, please fill this form: https://forms.gle/e8BFfRYVqFW1PnBv8
Submission of an abstract: To submit an abstract for a Paper or Case Story, please use this link: https://forms.gle/VeE4ESUdZFXD27BGA
For any inquiries, please contact us at:
The AFAAS Secretariat, Kigobe Road (road to Kyambogo), Ntinda, (below Chaze Foods);
Email : ufaas2013@gmail.com and copy ufaascf@afaas-africa.org; Website: www.ufaas-ugandacf.org;
Or call +256 751547234 / 312313400 / 78574163 (Inquiries); +256776801091 (CEO-UFAAS)