The Uganda national agricultural extension week(NAEW) will take place on 23rd-26th May 2022 at Kabira Country Club in Bukoto Kampala, Uganda and virtually under the theme “Unveiling innovative pluralistic AEAS approaches: Actors’ resilience and competitiveness for food security and commercialized agriculture” .

The technical committee of NAEW invites abstracts for papers or posters responding to any of the five sub-themes below:

i. AEAS interventions and support mechanisms for addressing resilience and competitiveness
ii. Leveraging on and strengthening public programmes and projects.
iii. Viable Business development and support services for farmers and other users of AEAS services.
iv. Women and Youth engagement and opportunities in the agricultural value chain as actors and
v. Digitalized Agricultural Extension and Advisory services (AEAS) in Agriculture as a driver for agricultural growth.

Guidelines for authors:

  1. Submissions should be in English and will be accepted from academic institutions, civil society
    organizations/Non-Governmental Originations, farmers’ organizations, agro-industry experts, private sectors, individuals, representatives of women and youth groups and the wider public.
  2. Abstracts and summaries for oral, poster, or other presentations should be aligned to any of the sub-themes of the conference and submitted in Times New Roman; font size 12 in single spacing, not exceeding 500 words.
  3. The abstract or summary must clearly indicate the title, sub-theme, author(s), institutional affiliation, contact details and the preferred mode of presentation; Oral (Physical, Virtual, recorded, video) or Poster. In addition, abstract should include brief background, statement of the problem, objectives, methodology, key findings, conclusion and recommendations.
  4. Students and youth extension actors are particularly encouraged to submit.
  5. The editors reserve the right to reject papers deemed inconsistent with the guidelines outlined in this call for abstracts.
  6. Accepted abstracts/summaries will be published in a book of abstracts, innovations/case stories and peer-reviewed proceedings.

Deadline for submission is 15th April, 2023.

Modalities for submission of abstracts:

Other information:

Registration fee is UGX 150,000 per person. 

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let the UFAAS Secretariat know.

Beatrice Luzobe 0776 801091 


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